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Pets and Mental Health: A Paw-sitively Good Combination

Did you know that pets can have a positive impact on your mental health? That's right, furry friends can help to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and even improve your overall mood and well-being.
Studies have shown-
Pets can provide a sense of security and comfort, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety. For example, one study found that petting a dog can lower blood pressure and heart rate, and that interacting with animals can decrease levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
Pets can provide companionship and unconditional love, which can help to improve mood and overall well-being. Another study found that pet owners are less likely to suffer from depression and loneliness than people without pets.
Taking care of a pet can provide a reason to get outside and be active, which can have a positive impact on mental health. A third study found that people who own dogs are more likely to meet the recommended levels of physical activity than people who don't own dogs.
Taking your pet for walks or to the park can provide opportunities to socialize with other people, which can help to improve social skills and reduce feelings of isolation. A fourth study found that pet owners are more likely to interact with their neighbours than people without pets.
If you are considering getting a pet for mental health reasons, it is important to choose a pet that is right for you. Some factors to consider include your lifestyle, personality, and the amount of time you have to care for a pet.
If you are struggling with your mental health, a pet can be a valuable source of support. However, it is important to remember that a pet is not a substitute for professional help. If you are experiencing serious mental health problems, it is important to seek professional help from a therapist or counselor.
Do you have a pet that has helped you with your mental health? Share your story in the comments below.

keywords: mental health, pets, positive impact, furry friends, stress reduction, anxiety relief, depression management, mood enhancement, well-being, holistic mental health approach,, professional assistance, mental health issues, pets, companion


Rain can have a paradoxical effect on our motivation. On the one hand, it can make us feel tired, lazy, and unmotivated to do anything. This is because rain can be seen as a symbol of obstacles and challenges. It can represent the things that stand in our way, the things that prevent us from achieving our goals. On the other hand, rain can also be seen as a source of beauty and inspiration. The sound of the rain can be calming and relaxing, and the sight of the rain can be refreshing and invigorating. When we step outside in the rain, we can feel the coolness on our skin, the smell of the wet earth, and the sound of the raindrops hitting the ground. These sensations can help us to feel more alive and connected to the world around us. So why does rain sometimes make us feel unable to do things, but then other times make us feel so beautiful? I think it's because rain can represent both the challenges and the opportunities in our lives. It can represent the things that hold us back, but it can also represent the things that help us to grow and learn. When we're feeling down or unmotivated, rain can be a reminder of all the things that are going wrong in our lives. It can make us feel like we're stuck in a rut, like we're unable to move forward. But if we can see the beauty in the rain, if we can appreciate the things that rain can offer us, then we can start to see the challenges in our lives as opportunities for growth. Ultimately, how we feel about rain is a personal matter. Some people find it to be a calming and relaxing experience, while others find it to be stressful and depressing. There is no right or wrong way to feel about rain.

Keywords: rainy day, motivation, emotions, personal growth, relaxation, positivity, growth, stress,mental peace,


Have you ever noticed how happiness comes and goes in our lives? Sometimes we feel really happy, and other times we don't feel as good. It's like a cycle, with ups and downs. Think about the moments when you felt happiest. What made you feel that way? Was it achieving something you wanted or spending time with loved ones? And then, remember the times when you didn't feel so happy. What caused those feelings? Life has its highs and lows, and that's okay. But have you ever thought about why it happens? Maybe it's so we can appreciate happiness more when it comes back. And during the tough times, we can learn important things about ourselves and life. So, take a moment to think about your own experiences. What can you learn from the times you felt happy or not so happy? How can you find contentment and strength even when things aren't going well, knowing that happiness will return? Just like the cycle of life, happiness will come back to you.

Keyword: Self-care, Mindfulness ,Wellness ,Psychologist, Mental health awareness Coping strategies,Mental well-being, Emotional health, emotions, personal growth, relaxation, positivity, growth,


Many people think of therapy as a linear process, where they start out feeling bad and then slowly but surely get better over time. However, the reality is that healing is often not linear. There will be ups and downs, and sometimes you may even feel worse before you feel better. This is because healing is a process of change, and change can be unpredictable. There are a few reasons why therapy might not be a linear process. First, our emotions are complex and interrelated. When we work on one issue, it can sometimes trigger other issues. This can lead to a temporary increase in our symptoms, even though we are actually making progress overall. Second, our lives are constantly changing. As we go through life, we experience new challenges and stressors. These can also impact our mental health, and sometimes we may need to revisit old issues in therapy. Finally, healing is a personal process. Everyone's journey is different, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. What works for one person may not work for another. It's important to remember that setbacks are a normal part of the healing process. If you have a setback, don't give up. Talk to your therapist about what happened, and keep working towards your goals. With time and patience, you will continue to heal.

Keyword: Self-care, Mindfulness ,Wellness , ,Psychologist, Mental health awareness Coping strategies,Mental well-being, Emotional health, emotions, personal growth, relaxation, positivity, growth, therapy,counseling services near me


Do you ever feel like your personal boundaries are blurred or overly intertwined with your colleagues or superiors in your workplace? it's a psychological concept called Enmeshment which can also manifest within the context of the workplace, where it can have significant implications for both individuals and the overall dynamics of the organization. In a work setting, enmeshment may occur when boundaries between colleagues, managers, or teams become blurred or excessively intertwined, resulting in an unhealthy level of emotional dependence and an erosion of individual autonomy. In an enmeshed workplace, individuals may struggle to establish healthy boundaries between their personal and professional lives. They may feel an overwhelming sense of responsibility for the well-being and success of their colleagues or the organization as a whole, to the point where their own needs and boundaries are neglected. This can lead to a work environment that fosters codependency, where individuals feel compelled to sacrifice their own well-being or personal goals for the sake of maintaining harmony or meeting the expectations of others. When individuals are overly enmeshed, they may find it challenging to think independently, make decisions autonomously, or take appropriate risks. The lack of clear boundaries can also lead to a diffusion of accountability, as individuals may hesitate to address conflicts or hold each other accountable for their actions for fear of disrupting the perceived harmony. To address enmeshment in the workplace, it is crucial to promote healthy boundaries and encourage individual autonomy. This can be achieved by fostering a culture that values open communication, encourages diverse perspectives, and supports individuals in setting and maintaining boundaries. Leaders should model and reinforce the importance of self-care, work-life balance, and personal growth. Additionally, providing opportunities for professional development, mentoring, and coaching can empower individuals to develop their skills and confidence, fostering a sense of personal agency within the workplace. It is essential for organizations to recognize the potential negative effects of enmeshment and proactively address this issue. By promoting healthy boundaries and individual autonomy, workplaces can cultivate a more productive, balanced, and psychologically healthy environment that allows employees to thrive both personally and professionally.

Keyword: Self-care, Mindfulness ,Wellness ,Mental illness ,Psychologist, Mental health awareness Coping strategies,Mental well-being, Emotional health, emotions, personal growth, relaxation, positivity, growth, therapy,counseling services near me

Saying no

Do you struggle with saying no, even when it's necessary? Are you afraid of disappointing others or being seen as selfish? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you're not alone. Many people face this problem when it comes to setting boundaries and asserting themselves. So let's see why saying no can be difficult experience and sharing some strategies to help you navigate this challenge. The Fear Factor: Fear of rejection is often at the root of our hesitation to say no. We crave acceptance and worry about damaging relationships or missing out on opportunities. However, it's important to remember that setting boundaries isn't selfish; it's an act of self-care and self-respect. The People-Pleaser Predicament: Many of us struggle with people-pleasing tendencies. We want to make others happy, often at the expense of our own needs and desires. But constantly saying yes can lead to burnout, resentment, and an imbalance in our relationships. Recognize that your needs are just as valid as anyone else's, and remember that by taking care of yourself, you can better serve others. Harnessing Assertiveness: Assertiveness is a skill that can be honed over time. Start by recognizing and valuing your own boundaries, needs, and limitations. Saying no doesn't make you rude or unkind; it's an expression of self-respect. Practice assertive communication techniques such as using "I" statements, active listening, and maintaining a calm and confident demeanor. The Power of Clear Boundaries: To say no effectively, you must establish clear boundaries. Take the time to reflect on what is important to you and what you're comfortable with. Identify situations where your boundaries are being crossed, and consider the impact on your well-being. When declining a request, be firm and concise, expressing your decision with kindness and respect. By consistently communicating your boundaries, you cultivate healthier relationships built on mutual understanding and respect. Embrace Self-Care: Saying no is an act of self-care. Prioritizing your well-being is essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance and preventing burnout. Regularly engage in self-care practices that recharge your mind, body, and soul. Dedicate time to activities that bring you joy, relaxation, and rejuvenation. Remember, when you take care of yourself, you bring your best self to every aspect of your life. Setting boundaries and saying no can be challenging, but it's also an empowering journey of self-discovery and growth. You can Reach out to me if you want to explore similar situations and want to see self-growth.

Keyword: Self-care, Mindfulness ,Wellness ,Psychologist, Mental health awareness Coping strategies,Mental well-being, Emotional health, emotions, personal growth, relaxation, positivity, growth, therapy,counseling services near me, self care, boundary


Can you envision a mountain before you, seemingly immovable, casting a shadow of doubt and challenge over your path? Now, imagine this mountain has been assigned to you, not to hinder or obstruct, but to demonstrate the remarkable power that resides within you. It is a challenge that beckons you to rise above, to push the boundaries of what you believe is possible. Will you accept this assignment with unwavering determination and conviction? In the face of such a daunting task, it is easy to succumb to doubt and uncertainty. But within this challenge lies an opportunity to prove the skeptics wrong, to showcase the indomitable human spirit that resides within each of us. Can you muster the courage to show the world that the unmovable can indeed be moved? Embracing the assignment to move this mountain requires a shift in perspective, a refusal to be confined by the perceived limitations that surround you. It demands that you tap into your deepest reservoirs of strength and resilience. It beckons you to become a living testament to the triumph of the human will. This is not a journey for the faint of heart, nor is it a path devoid of obstacles. There will be setbacks, moments of frustration, and even the occasional stumble. But remember, the purpose of this mountain is not to break you, but to forge you into something stronger, more resolute. So, will you rise to the occasion? Will you face this mountain head-on, armed with unwavering belief in your abilities? The time has come to redefine your limits, to surpass the expectations of others, and to inspire those who witness your journey. Together, let us embark on this transformative endeavor, united in our pursuit of moving mountains. For in the face of adversity, we have the power to shatter preconceived notions, to overcome the seemingly impossible, and to unveil the extraordinary potential that lies within us all. Can you feel the fire within? Will you take on this assignment and show the world that even the mightiest mountains can yield to the indomitable human spirit? The choice is yours.

Keyword: challenge, overcoming challenge, resilience, Wellness ,Psychologist, Mental health awareness Coping strategies,Mental well-being, Emotional health, emotions, personal growth, relaxation, positivity, growth, therapy,counseling services near me,

Small victories

I've come to realize that size doesn't determine the level of difficulty. Sometimes, the smallest tasks can present unexpected challenges. So here's the thing— We have to learn to appreciate and celebrate every victory, regardless of its magnitude. Whether it's conquering a towering goal or overcoming a seemingly insignificant hurdle, understand that each achievement holds significance. It's through these small triumphs that we grow and evolve as an individual. So embrace the idea that every step forward counts, no matter how small it may seem. So, choose to acknowledge and honor each accomplishment along your journey. Take pride in sharing your experiences and inspiring others to do the same. Let's break free from the notion that size determines worth. Together, we can celebrate every win, big or small, and show the world the power of perseverance and determination.

Keyword: challenge, overcoming challenge, resilience, Wellness ,Psychologist, Mental health awareness, Coping strategies,Mental well-being, Emotional health, emotions, personal growth, relaxation, positivity, growth, therapy,counseling services near me, celebration


In our fast-paced lives, it's easy to get caught up in the daily hustle and overlook our own internal landscape. However, taking the time to pause, reflect, and connect with our emotions is an essential aspect of self-care. Engaging in regular mental health check-ins empowers us to develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and fosters a sense of self-awareness that can be transformative. Here are a few key reasons why mood check-ins matter:
1️⃣ Cultivating Emotional Awareness: By checking in with our feelings, we develop a heightened sense of emotional awareness. We become attuned to the nuances of our emotions, recognizing patterns, triggers, and areas where we may need additional support. This self-awareness enables us to make informed decisions about our well-being and take proactive steps towards a healthier mental state.
2️⃣ Normalizing Our Emotions: Life is a tapestry of emotions, and each one has its rightful place. Engaging in mood check-ins reminds us that it's perfectly normal to experience a range of emotions. Whether it's joy, sadness, anxiety, or excitement, acknowledging and accepting these feelings without judgment creates a compassionate space within ourselves.
3️⃣ Encouraging Connection and Support: Mental health check-ins open the door to authentic connection and support. When we share our emotions with trusted friends, family, or professionals, we break down the walls of isolation and create a support network. Through these meaningful conversations, we discover that we are not alone in our struggles and can find solace in the empathy and understanding of others.
4️⃣ Identifying Areas for Growth: Regular mood check-ins provide valuable insights into areas of our lives that may require attention and growth. By identifying patterns of negative emotions or stress triggers, we can proactively seek strategies and resources to address them. This self-reflection allows us to make positive changes, build resilience, and develop healthier coping mechanisms. Remember, prioritizing mental health check-ins is not a sign of weakness but rather a courageous act of self-care. If you're seeking guidance, coping strategies, or simply a listening ear, please don't hesitate to reach out. you may get in touch through

Keyword: challenge, overcoming challenge, resilience, Wellness ,Psychologist, Mental health awareness, Coping strategies,Mental well-being, Emotional health, emotions, personal growth, relaxation, positivity, growth, therapy,counseling services near me, celebration


Are you grappling with the fear of not being enough or the fear of being too much? You're not alone. In today's competitive world, many of us face these fears, which ultimately stem from a deeper fear of being our authentic selves. But it's time to break free from these limitations and embrace who we truly are. Let's explore how we can overcome these fears and live authentically. 💪 🔹 Understanding the Fear: The fear of not being enough manifests as self-doubt and worries about meeting expectations, while the fear of being too much arises from a fear of overwhelming or being rejected by others. Both fears share a common root: the fear of being our authentic selves. But remember, you are worthy just as you are! 💯 🔹 Consequences of These Fears: These fears can undermine our self-esteem, hinder personal growth, and create barriers to forming genuine connections. They might push us into people-pleasing, perfectionism, or avoidance. But it's time to reclaim our power and live authentically. 🔹 Strategies for Overcoming the Fears:
1️⃣ Reflect on your fears and their origins. Recognize that they don't define your worth or potential.
2️⃣ Challenge self-limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering ones that align with your authentic self.
3️⃣ Cultivate self-compassion. Be kind and forgiving to yourself, embracing imperfections as part of being human.
4️⃣ Take small steps towards authenticity. Practice being yourself, gradually building confidence in your true identity.
5️⃣ Seek support from a qualified therapist or coach who can guide and empower you on this journey of self-discovery.
🔹 Embracing Your Authentic Self: By overcoming these fears, you unlock your full potential and open doors to more meaningful relationships and personal fulfillment. Embrace your unique value and let go of seeking validation from others. Remember, you have what it takes to shine! ✨
Let's break free from the fear of not being enough and being too much. It's time to embrace our authentic selves and unleash our true potential.

Keyword: challenge, overcoming challenge, resilience, Wellness ,Psychologist, Mental health awareness, Coping strategies,Mental well-being, Emotional health, emotions, personal growth, relaxation, positivity, growth, therapy,counseling services near me, celebration

Self Care

Self-care is your soul's symphony🎼, where you're the maestro and the audience too. It's all about tuning in, turning up the volume, and dancing to your own beat! In this whirlwind world, it's easy to get swept away by the demands of others, drowning out the sweet whispers of your own needs. But hold on, my friend, because self-care is your backstage pass to self-discovery and bliss. Picture this: You, in a spotlight of self-love, surrounded by the harmony of your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. It's a concert of self-listening, where every note resonates with your deepest desires. You start by cradling your body like a precious instrument, hearing its cues and rhythms. Stretch those limbs, soothe those tired muscles, and savor every breath as a precious melody. Your body, the instrument of your soul, yearns for your attention. Next up, the emotional crescendo! Embrace the full spectrum of feelings, from the euphoric highs to the melancholic lows. Let them serenade your heart, allowing tears to cleanse and laughter to echo through your being. Emotions are the lyrics that give meaning to your song. Now, let's tap into the symphony of thoughts swirling in your mind. Listen closely, my friend, as each thought plays its part. But be discerning, for some melodies may be out of tune, holding you back. Question those limiting beliefs and rewrite the score of your life. And as you listen to your inner symphony, don't forget to take center stage. Ask yourself, "What does my soul yearn for? What brings me alive?" Discover the desires and dreams that light a fire within you. Nurture them, embrace them, and let them guide your actions. So, dear maestro, let self-care be your grand finale. Find a quiet moment amidst the chaotic cadence of life. Meditate, journal, or simply sit in silence, creating a sacred space for your solo performance. Remember, this is no solo act. Your self-care symphony is meant to be shared with the world. As you listen to yourself, you become an inspiration to others, encouraging them to find their own unique melodies. So, my friend, take a bow, and let the world hear the masterpiece that is you. Self-care is your ticket to self-discovery, self-love, and the sweetest serenade of your life. Embrace it, own it, and let your soul sing!

Keyword: challenge, overcoming challenge, resilience, Wellness ,Psychologist, Mental health awareness, Coping strategies,Mental well-being, Emotional health, emotions, personal growth, relaxation, positivity, growth, therapy,counseling services near me, self care

Unleashing Your Inner Potential: Embracing Life Design Counselling

Are you feeling trapped in a dark place, overwhelmed by life's challenges? You may believe you've been buried and forgotten, but I invite you to consider a different perspective. Life design counselling can help you realize that you haven't been buried; you've been planted, ready to grow and flourish. Life design counselling combines psychology, personal development, and goal-oriented techniques to guide you in crafting a meaningful life. It helps you gain clarity about your values, passions, and strengths, empowering you to make intentional choices aligned with your authentic self. In difficult times, it's easy to see them as burial grounds with no way out. But life design counselling shifts this perspective, viewing those dark places as opportunities for growth and transformation. Instead of being buried, you are seen as being planted—a seed full of untapped potential. Through life design counselling, you'll embark on a journey of self-discovery, uncovering your unique talents, passions, and purpose. It provides tools to explore your values, discover your passions, assess strengths and weaknesses, set purposeful goals, and cultivate resilience and well-being. This transformative process involves unearthing your true self, planting the seeds of change, nurturing your growth, and blossoming into your potential. It's not a quick fix but a journey we'll embark on together. If you're ready to reconnect with your innermost desires, make intentional choices, and design a life that reflects your true self, life design counselling is for you. Let's work collaboratively to uncover your authentic identity and create the life you envision. Remember, when you feel buried, you have actually been planted. Let life design counselling help you cultivate your potential and bloom into the person you were meant to be. Reach out to Center for Career and Life Design Counselling, Kolkata to embark on this transformative journey.

Keyword: challenge, overcoming challenge, resilience, Wellness ,Psychologist, Mental health awareness, Coping strategies,Mental well-being, Emotional health, emotions, personal growth, relaxation, positivity, growth, therapy,counseling services near me, self care , life design counselling, life design,design thinking


Have you ever felt like your mind is playing tricks on you? Like you're stuck in a cycle of worry, doubt, and fear that you can't escape? If so, you're not alone. Anxious thoughts can be incredibly difficult to manage, and can impact our daily lives in profound ways. Anxiety can cause physical sensations like a racing heart, sweaty palms, and a knot in your stomach. It can make it hard to concentrate, sleep, or even carry out simple tasks. And the thoughts themselves can be overwhelming - a never-ending stream of "what ifs" and worst-case scenarios that feel like they're taking over your brain. What's worse, anxious thoughts often lead to negative self-talk. We beat ourselves up for our perceived weaknesses, doubt our abilities, and question our worth. It's a vicious cycle that can quickly spiral out of control. The good news is, there are ways to manage anxious thoughts and take back control of your life. Seeking support from a mental health professional is a great first step, and there are many self-care strategies that can help, too. Whether it's practicing mindfulness, engaging in physical activity, or talking to a trusted friend, there are many tools you can use to reduce anxiety and improve your well-being. If you're struggling with anxious thoughts, know that you're not alone. It takes courage to seek help, but it's worth it. Remember, you are capable of overcoming your anxiety and living a full, happy life.

Keywords: Anxiety symptoms, Coping with anxiety, Overcoming negative thoughts, Managing anxiety, Anxiety treatment, Cognitive distortions, Dealing with worry, Anxiety relief, Calming techniques, Challenging negative thinking, Anxiety self-help,Strategies for anxiety, Breaking the cycle of negativity, Anxiety and stress management, Mindfulness for anxiety, Cognitive restructuring, Reducing anxious thoughts,Positive self-talk, Anxiety support, Techniques to control anxiety

Negative thoughts

Do you ever find yourself getting lost in a spiral of negative thoughts? Do you believe that everything you think is true? If so, it's important to understand that your thoughts are not always facts. In psychology, we call this cognitive distortion, where our thoughts can become distorted and cause us to see things in a negative light. These distorted thoughts can have a profound impact on our emotions and behaviors, leading to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. The truth is, just because you think something doesn't make it true. Our thoughts are influenced by our experiences, beliefs, and biases, and they can often be irrational and inaccurate. The good news is that we have the power to challenge and change these thoughts. By learning to recognize and challenge our negative thoughts, we can break free from the cycle of negativity and improve our mental health and well-being. This process, known as cognitive restructuring, involves identifying negative thought patterns and replacing them with more rational and positive ones. So the next time you find yourself caught up in a negative thought pattern, remember that your thoughts are not always facts. Take a step back, challenge those thoughts, and choose a more positive and rational perspective. Your mind will thank you for it.

Keywords: Anxiety symptoms, Coping with anxiety, Overcoming negative thoughts, Managing anxiety, Anxiety treatment, Cognitive distortions, Dealing with worry, Anxiety relief, Calming techniques, Challenging negative thinking, Anxiety self-help,Strategies for anxiety, Breaking the cycle of negativity, Anxiety and stress management, Mindfulness for anxiety, Cognitive restructuring, Reducing anxious thoughts,Positive self-talk, Anxiety support, Techniques to control anxiety


You wake up on a Saturday morning and you're feeling great. You decide to start your day with a walk around your neighborhood. As you're walking, you run into your neighbor, who starts chatting with you. You're happy to chat for a bit, but then you notice that the conversation is going on longer than you anticipated. You start to feel antsy and want to get back to your walk, but you're not sure how to politely end the conversation. This is a common scenario where boundaries come into play. Boundaries are important because they help us establish limits around our time, energy, and resources. Without clear boundaries, we may find ourselves feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or resentful in our relationships with others. In this scenario, setting boundaries may involve politely letting your neighbor know that you need to get back to your walk, or suggesting that you continue the conversation at another time. By setting these boundaries, you're able to protect your time and energy, while still maintaining a positive relationship with your neighbor. Boundaries are also important in other areas of our lives, such as in our relationships with family, friends, and coworkers. For example, setting emotional boundaries can help us protect our mental health by establishing limits around the types of conversations we're willing to have with others. Setting financial boundaries can help us maintain our financial security by establishing limits around our spending and budgeting habits. Overall, boundaries help us establish clear expectations and guidelines for our relationships with others. By setting these boundaries, we're able to protect our well-being and maintain healthy, positive relationships with those around us.


Burnout is a topic that affects many people, and it's essential to take steps to avoid it. So, let's have a conversation about some ways to prevent burnout:
1️⃣Do you find it difficult to set boundaries between your work and personal life? How do you currently manage your time outside of work?
2️⃣Taking breaks is crucial to avoid burnout. What kind of activities do you enjoy doing during your breaks? Have you tried mindfulness meditation or stretching to help you recharge?
3️⃣Practicing self-care can be challenging, but it's essential for your well-being. What are some self-care activities that you enjoy? Have you tried incorporating exercise or healthy eating habits into your routine?
4️⃣Prioritizing your workload can help you avoid feeling overwhelmed. How do you currently manage your to-do list? Do you find it helpful to prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency?
5️⃣Connecting with others is essential for your mental health. Who are some people in your life that you feel comfortable talking to about your stressors? How do you stay connected with them?
6️⃣Seeking help when needed is crucial. Have you ever talked to your manager or HR about your workload and stress levels? Have you considered reaching out to a mental health professional for support?
Remember, preventing burnout is a journey, and it takes time and effort to implement healthy habits and boundaries. However, taking care of yourself is crucial for your overall well-being, and it's never too late to start making positive changes.


Studying can be a daunting task, whether you're a student trying to ace your exams or a professional trying to upskill. You may find yourself struggling to retain information, feeling unmotivated, or easily distracted. But fear not, there are some psychological tips and theories that can help make studying easier and more effective.
1. Break it down: When you're studying a complex topic, it can be overwhelming to tackle it all at once. That's where the Cognitive Load Theory comes in. Break the material down into smaller, more manageable chunks, and use mind maps or outlines to connect the dots. This way, you can focus on one idea at a time, and gradually build up your understanding.
2. Find your motivation: Self-Determination Theory says that autonomy, competence, and relatedness are key factors in motivation. To keep yourself motivated, set achievable goals that challenge you, find ways to make the material personally relevant to you, and take control of your study habits. If you feel in charge, you'll be more invested in your learning.
3. Mix it up: Dual Coding Theory suggests that using both visual and verbal information can help you retain information better. Instead of just reading or listening, try using diagrams, charts, or other visual aids to make connections and associations in your mind.
4. Take breaks: Spacing Effect indicates that breaking up your study sessions over time is more effective than cramming everything into one long session. Schedule shorter study sessions, and give yourself time to recharge in between. Your brain will appreciate the rest and will be more ready to absorb the material later.
5. Practice for success: Transfer-Appropriate Processing says that practicing the way you'll be tested helps you retain the material better. Practice recalling the information in the same format that you'll be tested on, such as multiple-choice questions or short answer questions.
But it's not just about theory. There are also practical tips that can help you stay engaged and focused during your study sessions. Set up a dedicated study space that is free from distractions, use active learning techniques such as summarizing or teaching the material to someone else, and take care of your physical and mental health. Exercise, eat well, and get enough sleep. It's amazing how much difference these small things can make. Remember, studying is a journey, not a destination. What works for one person may not work for another, so be open to experimenting with different study techniques until you find what works best for you. And most importantly, don't forget to take breaks and reward yourself along the way. You got this!


Are you tired of the constant pressure to be perfect in every aspect of your life? Do you ever feel like you're not living up to the unrealistic standards that society has set for us? Well, I have some good news for you: being consistent is more important than being perfect! Yes, you heard that right. Consistency is the key to success in any field, whether it's sports, business, or personal development. It's all about showing up day in and day out, putting in the necessary work and effort to achieve your goals. It's about doing the small things right, day after day, and not just relying on the big moments to propel you forward. Let's face it: striving for perfection can be a real downer. It often leads to anxiety, self-doubt, and a constant feeling of dissatisfaction. When we focus too much on achieving perfection, we may become overly critical of ourselves and others, which can lead to negative self-talk, low self-esteem, and a lack of motivation. But when we focus on consistency, we can make progress at a steady pace. Even if we don't achieve perfection in everything we do, we can still make significant strides towards our goals by consistently putting in the necessary work. The small improvements we make over time can add up to significant achievements in the long run. And, being consistent helps us to establish healthy habits, which can lead to long-term success and sustainability. So, the next time you feel the pressure to be perfect, remember that consistency is the key to success! It's all about showing up, doing the work, and making progress, no matter how small. By focusing on consistency, you can build resilience, develop healthy habits, and ultimately achieve your goals in a sustainable way. So, what are you waiting for? It's time to ditch the pressure to be perfect and embrace the power of consistency!

Exam stress

Exam stress is a common phenomenon experienced by students worldwide. The pressure to perform well, fear of failure, and anticipation of future consequences can be overwhelming. As a result, students often experience a range of emotions such as anxiety, nervousness, and fear. However, understanding the psychology behind exam stress can help students manage their emotions and perform better. Here are a few key points to consider: The Yerkes-Dodson Law: This law suggests that performance increases with physiological or mental arousal, but only up to a certain point. When the arousal level becomes too high, performance declines. This means that some level of stress can be beneficial for exam performance, but too much stress can be detrimental. The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: This theory suggests that our beliefs and expectations can influence our behavior and ultimately, our outcomes. If a student believes they will fail an exam, they may become anxious and perform poorly, which reinforces their belief that they will fail. The Cognitive Appraisal Theory: This theory suggests that how we interpret a situation can influence our emotional response. If a student views an exam as a threat, they may experience fear and anxiety. However, if they view the exam as a challenge, they may experience excitement and motivation. Understanding these theories can help students manage their exam stress. For example, students can try to regulate their stress levels by practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga. They can also try to reframe their thoughts about exams by viewing them as an opportunity to learn and grow. By understanding the psychology behind exam stress and implementing stress management techniques, students can perform better and achieve their academic goals.

Am I Going Insane?

As a mental health professional, I often get asked, "Am I going insane?". "Is it normal to think this way?" Short answer: Yes, you're insane. So am I. The same goes for everyone around you. We live in a world where madness is the norm, not the exception. A tinge of insanity lingers throughout life. The majority of us are adept at masking that part of ourselves. Few of us even judge others for having the same thoughts as ours. It's a game of being sane that we all play. It was all right to play with imaginary friends or throw temper tantrums as a kid because it was backed up by innocence. Growing up, we were expected to follow rules, act logically, and think rationally. However, it isn't uncommon for the crazy child hiding deep within our consciousness to come out and take over despite years of practice. Accept it, acknowledge it, and seek professional assistance if it causes you to blur the line between the real and the unreal. As Carl Gustav says, “Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you.”

What Does the person whom you dislike have to say about you?

There are often things in others we dislike and we have strong judgments about them. Knowing these traits is crucial, as they can provide insight into our unconscious. As a method of protecting our ego, we tend to reject traits that contradict our image of ourselves. People who exhibit those traits also tend to be disliked by us. According to Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, letting go of judgements allows us to discover our unknown side. In his view, the more judgments we let go of about others, the more accepting we become of ourselves. In this way, we gain awareness of our "shadow", which includes all the parts of our personality we do not wish to identify as self. So next time you get caught up in judging someone, which we all do at some point, step back and think about how that might reflect you.


One of the most challenging things one can experience is a change of perspective. It just happens as it does and we don't have any control over it. Such shifts are what propel us forward in life and help us grow. It is impossible to look at the world in the same way after going through these shifts of perspective. Most of us are afraid of facing them and would rather hold onto our old ways of thinking because they are a simpler and easier option. Thus, we stifle our own growth and development. Don't be afraid, to be honest with yourself. Allow yourself time to adjust to the changes. Sometimes it seems like the world is against us, but for the most part, it's just us against ourselves. There is nothing more fascinating than the human mind. The power of thinking is unmatched. Always keep an open mind. Be willing to listen to people who differ from you. Take some time to question your own thoughts. Take care of your mind.

What are our emotions trying to tell us?

The purpose of each emotion is unique. Essentially, they're trying to tell us something for which we need to ponder. Emotions are neither good nor bad per se, and the goal is not to prevent difficult emotions from arising. Oftentimes, our emotions serve as clues leading us to the bigger picture. Have you ever felt jealous of someone? They probably have something you value and want in your life as well. With this knowledge, you can now work hard to find the cause and achieve it in your life too! Take the time to listen to what your mind has to say. You don't have to run away from difficult emotions. Become their friend.

Balancing Acts: Navigating Life and Career Harmony

We all love planning our dream vacations, don't we? The excitement of choosing the perfect destination, creating an itinerary, and anticipating new experiences fills us with joy. But when it comes to planning our careers, we often find ourselves dreading the process. Let's change that perspective! Here's why you should plan your career just as enthusiastically as you plan your vacations: Destination Matters: Just as you eagerly pick a vacation destination that excites you, choose a career path that aligns with your passions and interests. It sets the foundation for a fulfilling journey ahead. Create Your Itinerary: Just like planning the perfect vacation itinerary, a career plan outlines your goals and the steps to achieve them. Embrace the process and see it as a roadmap to the life you have always desired to live. Embrace New Experiences: Vacations are all about embracing new adventures. Similarly, plan your career to include learning opportunities, skill development, and challenges that expand your horizons. Prepare for Obstacles: Just as you prepare for travel obstacles, planning your career helps you anticipate challenges and find solutions proactively. It builds your resilience and confidence. Enjoy the Journey: Just as you cherish every moment on vacation, learn to appreciate each milestone in your career, no matter how small. Celebrate your achievements along the way! Networking = Souvenirs: Just like you collect souvenirs on trips, build a network of valuable connections throughout your career. Networking opens doors to exciting opportunities! Balancing Act: Similar to finding work-life balance during vacations, plan your career with well-being in mind. Prioritize your growth and happiness in every step you take. Adventure Awaits: Treat your career planning as an adventurous pursuit. Embrace the unknown enthusiastically, knowing well-planned steps can lead to amazing opportunities. Moments to Cherish: Just as vacations create cherished memories, your career journey is filled with valuable moments of success, personal growth, and meaningful connections. Your Career, Your Story: Your career is your unique story. Embrace the planning process with excitement, passion, and determination. It's a chance to design the future you envision. The purpose of a plan is not to be followed rigidly but to aid in adapting to changing situations. So, let's shift our perspective and bring the same enthusiasm to planning our careers as we do to planning vacations. Have you ever experienced being deeply immersed in a task, such as reading a book, to the point where transitioning back to everyday life and attending to other aspects feels challenging? In the pursuit of success, it's easy to become engulfed in one aspect of our lives, neglecting the others. We've all experienced the joy of immersing ourselves in a task or project, wishing we could remain in that state indefinitely. However, the reality is that life demands that we wear multiple hats and navigate various roles. Striking a balance between work and other aspects of life is a challenge faced by almost everyone. Throughout our educational journey, we are taught how to excel academically, with a strong emphasis on achieving professional success. Yet, once we establish a stable career, we find ourselves unprepared for the task of nurturing our personal lives alongside it. This lack of preparation often leaves individuals of all ages struggling to create a life that aligns with their desires and aspirations. Psychologists utilize the term "enmeshment" to describe a scenario where the lines between individuals blur, causing the loss of individual identities. Enmeshment hinders the formation of a stable, independent sense of self. In the case of individuals in high-pressure jobs, they can become enmeshed not with another person, but rather with their careers. Our professional lives often play a significant role in shaping our identities to the point where our sense of self can become directly intertwined with our work. How has your career impacted the other areas of your life? In what ways have you managed to achieve a balance between your career and other aspects of your life?

How much easier are things for Gen Z?

In the pursuit of guiding our children towards a successful future, we often place immense emphasis on their career development. We want nothing but the best for them – the top universities, lucrative jobs, and a respectable life. As a career counselor, I have witnessed how this drive motivates parents to seek career counseling for their children. However, it is only after spending hours conversing with both parents and children that the true underlying issues come to light. Amidst the facade of career aspirations lie some harsh realities. Many children grow up in toxic home environments, where their parents engage in daily battles. Fathers may unknowingly project their insecurities onto their children, while mothers strive to fulfill their unfulfilled career dreams through their offspring. Some parents even unconsciously try to prove their worth to society by leveraging their children's success. The education sector too, bears its own burden. Amidst the race for academic excellence, there's an alarming emphasis solely on one form of intelligence, while stifling a child's creative instincts. Inadvertently, we end up draining their emotions, innocence, and impulsivity – the very essence that defines a child. When delving deeper, it becomes evident that these parents have endured their share of hardships. Despite their best intentions, their actions inadvertently harm their children. The child's career becomes the focal point that masks the deeper, more serious problems lurking beneath the surface. Consider X, a 15-year-old seeking career counseling. Beyond the apparent need for guidance, X is silently grappling with immense insecurity, enduring relentless bullying at school, and possibly battling an eating disorder. Moreover, she witnesses her parents engage in bitter arguments daily, forcing her to shoulder their darkest truths. Her nights are filled with tears, spanning three long months. Despite these pressing concerns, her parents seem preoccupied with whether she'll become a doctor or a physicist in the future. Let me reiterate – this isn't about pointing fingers at parents. I wholeheartedly understand that they are doing their best. However, it pains me to witness the hidden struggles faced by our younger generation. Beneath the cloak of apparent ease and convenience lies their silent mental battles, no less significant than any tangible hardship. Often, parents and grandparents compare their own upbringing, narrating stories of walking long distances to attend school or facing various physical struggles. While those experiences were undoubtedly difficult, it is crucial to recognize that mental struggles are equally significant. Many children of this generation possess the latest gadgets, have access to the best tutors for their education, and enjoy a wardrobe filled with designer clothes. Yet, beneath the façade of material comfort, they silently carry the burden of pain and loneliness. Hence, I implore all educators, parents, mentors, and guardians – let us grant our children the freedom to make mistakes and embrace the consequences. Stand by them and provide support as they navigate the outcomes of their actions. Practical experiences hold the most profound teachings for kids, far more than mere theories ever could. Let us empower them by embracing their learning journeys, even when they stumble along the way. To address these pressing concerns, we introduce the Center for Career and Life Design Counseling. An integral part of our approach to career counseling is the recognition that a person's career is intricately intertwined with their entire life journey. We don't limit ourselves to isolated career discussions but embrace the holistic growth of every individual. Allow your career to be an integral part of your life, not an escape that helps you evade life's challenges.

Out Of Control

Humans possess a deep-rooted desire to be in control. Whether it's attempting to dictate our children's lives based on what we believe is best for them or imposing our will on our partners, we often strive to be the one in control. Many of us harbor the misconception that control guarantees a sense of security and well-being. We believe that by orchestrating our surroundings, relationships, and personal goals, we can ensure favorable outcomes. However, this need for control often backfires, as it distances us from the very things we seek to govern. Relationships may become strained, creativity stifled, and personal growth hindered when we constantly try to manipulate the uncontrollable variables of life This has led to an increased interest in the practice of non-attachment, derived from Eastern philosophy. While many claim to have mastered it, in reality, it is an incredibly challenging discipline to embrace. Non-attachment teaches us to let go of the illusion that we can control external circumstances, other people, or even the outcomes of our endeavors. It encourages us to embrace the ebb and flow of life, understanding that impermanence is the only constant. By releasing our grip on external factors, we free ourselves from the anxiety and frustration that arises from trying to shape the uncontrollable. This newfound freedom allows us to adapt, grow, and find peace amidst life's unpredictability. While non-attachment often pertains to external matters, it also extends to our relationship with ourselves. We can become entangled in self-imposed rigidities, such as obsessively completing every task on our to-do lists or fixating on maintaining a flawless routine. These behaviors stem from a desire to control our lives, but in reality, they hinder our well-being. True self-mastery lies in allowing flexibility, spontaneity, and self-compassion to guide our actions, rather than an unyielding need for control. In the practice of non-attachment, it's important to understand that it doesn't mean to stop caring altogether. On the contrary, it involves caring deeply while also cultivating the inner strength to embrace life's uncertainties. It's about finding a delicate balance between holding onto what truly matters and having the courage to let go of what is beyond our control.By embracing the unknown with open hearts and minds, we can navigate the ever-changing tides of life with grace and resilience, learning from every experience as it unfolds.


During a recent conversation with my mentor, we delved into the fascinating rise of spirituality and its role in navigating life's challenges. He suggested watching the movie "Devi," directed by Satyajit Ray, which depicts the devastating consequences of superstition, especially when it replaces science. The film explores the life of Doya, a young woman whose existence takes a tumultuous turn when her father-in-law believes she is the reincarnation of the goddess Kali. This newfound belief leads to a significant transformation in Doya's life as she becomes the object of worship by the villagers. However, the constant adoration and isolation take a toll on Doya's well-being, impacting her relationships. Even her once-fond nephew becomes afraid of her, leaving her disheartened. A ray of hope emerges when one of her devotees experiences a miraculous chance recovery after receiving her blessings. Amidst this situation, Doya begins questioning her true identity and if she truly is the embodiment of goddess kali. Tragically, the film concludes with a devastating turn of events as Doya's nephew falls ill. Despite the belief that his health had been restored through Doya's blessing, he ultimately passed away due to medical neglect, which subsequently triggered Doya's descent into insanity. Satyajit Ray skillfully portrays the intricacies of Doya's path, encouraging viewers to contemplate the ambiguous boundaries between superstition and spiritual devotion. Even a simple dream was perceived as divine guidance, and this steadfast belief overshadowed all rational aspects of a person, extending its influence to an entire community! This film leaves me contemplating the power of faith and the tragic consequences that can arise when spirituality becomes entangled with reality. I have a vivid memory of a woman who personally shared her experience with me. She was burdened by an overwhelming sense of guilt and distorted beliefs, yet she couldn't pinpoint any clear source or reason for these feelings. Using past life regression "therapy," the practitioner assured her that these thoughts were lingering remnants from her past lives, leading her into a cycle of self- punishment. Such instances serve as cautionary tales, highlighting concerns about practices lacking scientific validation and the potential harm they can inflict on one's well-being. Spiritual journeys have the potential to be transformative, but they require careful preparation. Throughout my professional experience, I have come across numerous workshops and retreats led by unqualified individuals making bold claims of healing deep-seated mental distress like depression and PTSD through spiritual means. It deeply troubles me to witness these misleading offerings that can ultimately do more harm than good. Often, individuals mistake this for what happens in a therapy session, which makes psychology seem like pseudoscience. After dedicating over seven years to studying this field, I acknowledge that I, as a counseling psychologist,cannot single-handedly address all psychological problems. Mental health is an expansive field that encompasses a wide range of disciplines, emphasizing its multidisciplinary nature. Effective support and treatment often involve professionals from diverse domains, including counselors, therapists, psychiatrists, physiotherapists, special educators, and more. Given the intricate nature of mental health issues, it is unrealistic for any individual, particularly those without professional training, to claim the ability to single-handedly cure such complex problems. PS: Tarot card reading, yoga therapy, crystal healing, palm reading and similar practices should not be considered substitutes for evidence-based psychotherapy. Engaging in activities like dancing, painting, and singing does not make someone a qualified music art or dance movement therapist. Sadly, in India, where government regulation and public awareness regarding the field of mental health is lacking, it is crucial for you to prioritize your safety and well-being by staying vigilant against potential scams. Stay safe.

Finding Order in Chaos: How Chaos Theory Reshapes Career Paths

In the grand puzzle of life, there has always been a captivating debate surrounding the extent of control we possess versus the influence of external factors. But let's face it – life is far from a controlled laboratory experiment. Even in the most controlled setups, there are countless variables that lie beyond our control, often shaping the outcome in unexpected ways. So, how much of our decisions are truly ours, and how much is determined by the chaotic dance of external factors? Today, we'll explore how chaos theory, an intriguing branch of science, can shed light on this enigma and how it can influence the crucial decisions we make in our careers. The Essence of Chaos Theory: Chaos theory, rooted in mathematics and physics, examines complex systems and their behavior. It suggests that small changes in initial conditions can result in significant and unforeseen outcomes over time. In diverse fields such as physics, biology, economics, and meteorology, chaos theory illuminates the dynamics of complex systems, revealing how seemingly random patterns can arise from underlying order and deterministic processes. Applying Chaos Theory to Decision-Making: Traditional decision-making models often assume predictability based on rational analysis of available information. However, chaos theory challenges this assumption, recognizing the complexity and interconnectedness of decision-making processes. It highlights that even minor fluctuations in initial conditions, such as input data or the decision-maker’s mindset, can profoundly impact final decisions and their consequences. An Illustrative Example: Meet Anushree, a college student majoring in sociology. Throughout her academic journey, Anushree has always been passionate about studying human behavior and social dynamics. She envisions herself pursuing a career in social research or academia. One day, while attending a sociology conference, Anushree happens to sit next to a stranger named Joy during a presentation. As they strike up a conversation during a coffee break, Joy shares his experiences working in public policy and advocacy. He talks about the direct impact he has seen his work make on social issues, such as poverty and inequality. This chance encounter sparks a sense of curiosity in Anushree about the potential for creating tangible change through policy and advocacy work. She begins to question whether her original career path in academia would allow her to have a more immediate impact on societal issues. Intrigued by Joy's stories, Anushree starts researching and exploring opportunities in the field of public policy and advocacy. She attends workshops, connects with professionals, and learns about the various initiatives and campaigns aimed at social justice and policy reform. As Anushree delves deeper into this new direction, she realizes that her passion for understanding social dynamics and promoting social change can be fulfilled through a career in policy and advocacy. This unexpected encounter and subsequent exploration have led her to consider a different path than she initially anticipated. Embracing Chaos for Career Choice: The influence of chaos theory becomes evident as Anushree's decision-making journey unfolds. A chance encounter with Joy ignites curiosity and prompts exploration, altering her career trajectory. Embracing unpredictability and remaining open to unforeseen opportunities, Anushree finds her way through the complex landscape of career choices and discovers a fulfilling path aligned with her passion for making a positive difference. The Limitations of Traditional career counselling Approaches: Chaos theory challenges the efficacy of traditional career counseling methods, which rely on psychometric tests to match individuals with a predetermined set of "right" jobs. It raises crucial questions about predicting the unpredictable and the limitations of testing in capturing the richness and complexity of the human experience. How can the uniqueness and idiosyncrasies of a person be explored if testing tends to categorize people? Rather than categorizing individuals into groups, the approach we advocate acknowledges human complexity, emphasizing the interconnectedness of career and life. By recognizing the profound impact of career choices on all aspects of life, we believe in designing a life that aligns with individual aspirations, embracing the chaos that may lead to unexpected opportunities. In the intricate maze of life, our decisions are influenced by both internal desires and external circumstances. Chaos theory reminds us that while we can't control every twist and turn, we can find solace in our ability to adapt and thrive amidst uncertainty. Life's choices are rarely straightforward, and it is in embracing the chaos that we discover our true potential.

How rejection unveils our true motive

Rejection is an inescapable part of life's journey. It accompanies us as we venture into new experiences and take risks. Yet, the aftermath of rejection often leaves us grappling with self-doubt and fear of future failures. This emotional rollercoaster can drain us mentally and emotionally. But have you ever wondered why we persist in the face of rejection? Let's explore the profound impact rejection has on our sense of self-worth and the hidden motivations that drive us forward. The Evolutionary Perspective: Rejection's sting is deeply rooted in our evolution. In ancient times, being rejected or ostracized from a tribe posed a severe threat to survival. Humans developed psychological mechanisms to avoid rejection, prioritize acceptance, and preserve their sense of belonging. Even today, this innate drive to safeguard our social connections and status influences our responses to rejection. The Pursuit of Reconnection: Rejection can act as a powerful motivator, compelling us to seek reconnection. Whether it's persistently studying for a competitive exam or attempting to mend a broken romantic relationship, we are driven by the desire to prove our worth. However, this pursuit may not always be rooted in genuine love or compatibility. It is often a reflection of our yearning to reclaim our self-esteem and win back what we feel we've lost. The Quest for the Right Fit: Ironically, our relentless pursuit after rejection may lead us astray. We may find ourselves chasing dreams and goals that are not aligned with our true selves. The impact of rejection can cloud our judgment, pushing us to keep trying even when it may not be the best fit for us. It's essential to reflect and question whether we are persisting for the right reasons or simply to appease our wounded ego. A Transformative tool for self-discovery Rejection serves as a powerful reminder that the only person we can truly work on is ourselves. Rather than fixating on changing others or seeking external validation, rejection compels us to focus on enhancing our skills, expanding our knowledge, and cultivating qualities that align with our values. When faced with rejection, it acts as a humbling reminder that we are not infallible and that there is always room for growth. Embracing this truth empowers us to take control of our own development and create a fulfilling life guided by our own aspirations. Rejection's role in our lives is complex and multifaceted. It can ignite an inner fire that propels us forward or steer us towards paths that may not be the right fit. As we navigate the journey of life, it's vital to pause and introspect. Why do we continue to strive despite repeated rejections? Are we driven by genuine passion and purpose, or are we merely trying to regain what we feel we've lost? By reflecting on our motivations, we can find clarity and make choices that lead us to fulfillment and genuine success. the concept of life design beautifully illustrates how we can embrace rejection and transform it into valuable lessons for personal growth. Whether it's facing rejection in our professional or personal lives, life design empowers us to confront it head-on and weave a life that is fulfilling in every aspect. By adopting a proactive mindset and using rejection as a catalyst for self-improvement, we can learn from our experiences, upgrade ourselves, and create a future that aligns with our true desires. With life design as our guide, we can navigate the complexities of rejection with resilience and determination, ultimately crafting a life that is rich, meaningful, and deeply fulfilling.

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Center for Career and Life Design Counselling Piyali Apartment 1st Floor, (Near Ruby Hospital / Avishikta-1 Housing Complex)
538, Mandirpara Rd, Kolkata 700078

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